On Meetings

‘Twas first thing Monday morning, when all the chats pinged...

‘Twas first thing Monday morning, when all the chats pinged,

“We need to meet stat!”, the messages ringed;

Calendar invites were sent as fast as they could,

With no consideration for whether they should.

Your teams were heads down all in their to-dos,

But now they are worried you’ll add to their queues;

You were just so busy, tracking every detail,

Forgetting to ask – should this be an email?

You thought all hands on deck was sorely needed,

But truly the attendance was quite exceeded;

Your plentiful invites led to unfocused chatter,

So much that you missed the heart of the matter.

In pairs and trios they joined Google Meet,

Unsure of what it was they were to complete;

You didn’t think to add an agenda,

And now wasted time will surely offend ya.

You started in late, blathering drivel to stall,

‘Cause someone was stuck on a client call.

The meeting dragged on, no next steps were defined,

Meaning more meetings were needed until the team whined;

“Now Designers! Now Photo! Now Strategy!

Now Projects and Accounts, Web and Copy!

We have tasks to get done! For our clientele!

No time to waste away in this meeting hell!”

So take care of your team, agendas – a must,

Invite only those needed, focus – build trust;

And start your week off right with a regular greeting,

Happy Monday to all, no need for a meeting!