Framework For Positive Workplace Culture: WeCreate Edition
Discover the benefits of fun and purposeful team-building events, open communication channels, and authentic acts of service to transform your work culture and drive success in your organization.

Wait – How Many Hours!?
In case you didn’t know…a lot of your time spent is at work. On average, we spend over 2,000 hours every year bringing home the bacon. Which is why having a working environment that you can enjoy is essential for employee retention, healthy collaboration, and productivity. Depending on your age and experiences, you may not think the culture in the workplace matters or even exists. However, recent studies have shown when employee engagement, or happiness, is in the workplace, it increases productivity by as much as 17%.
Personally, I have had my fair share of negative or toxic work cultures. I have worked in the corporate world, where every minute of my day was micromanaged down to how my emails were written. I have also worked in a smaller business where the toxic gossip made it impossible to enjoy some coffee without being nervous that someone would judge what cup you chose. Or how about when I had a manager who had no idea how to manage multiple types of personalities and ages. So no one ever knew what was going on. Sound familiar?
“46% people reported having a manager that makes them want to quit.”
– Ten Spot
Since I started working at WeCreate, I have been refreshed to be a part of a group that values our clients, our teammates, and every individual that walks through our doors (physically and digitally). We work hard, but luckily we get to have fun doing it. Balance people, it is all about balance.
Let’s dive into what positive company culture means and how we do it – here’s your insider look at WeCreate Workplace Culture!
What Is WeCreate
WeCreate is a full-service marketing company — we develop thorough marketing strategies, design brand identities, concept campaigns, and more, all of which are great and wonderful. But that is not what makes me want to show up every day. What makes WeCreate a company I love to work at is the people I get to be around. We are a group of truly talented, passionate, dedicated individuals who care about the work but also show up every day to help support their team members. Working together and brainstorming new ways to create success for our clients and ourselves has become one of my favorite ways to collaborate with this team.
I am an Executive Assistant, which means I get to see glimpses into all of the departments. Since I see a lot of moving parts, I also know why having positive employee engagement is so important. The best way I can describe my job environment to others is simply, we have fun.
Benefits of Having Fun At Work
Fun is not only good for morale but also beneficial in terms of business. Research suggests having fun can increase employee retention and reduce turnover rate. One study showed 81% of company employees ranked as “great” described their office as “fun.” However, that word can be tricky, as my definition of fun differs from yours or your co-worker’s. Thinking of it more as joy or positivity helps. These types of atmospheres are usually relaxed and supportive, which is why it breeds an environment of productivity & collaboration.
Even is talking about the correlation between fun and work productivity. They also emphasize how it improves task performance, fosters collaboration, and maintains employee retention rates.
Fun doesn’t always mean Happy Hour Fridays and donuts in the break room.
It is more about creating a space that fosters and allows connection to people. Indeed suggests using things like:
- Making work meaningful
- Making time to celebrate success
- Actively listening to your employees and team members
- Establishing clear goals
Because our team has worked hard to create a space like that, clients can see the joy and dedication we bring to the table by pouring positivity and fun into work. Because we have a solid connection to our team, clients, & our work, our productivity is always at a maximum level.
How To Make It Happen
I have found, at WeCreate, that “positive culture” isn’t a buzzword or centered around specific national days like Employee Appreciation Day— it is that way every day! When people come to the office to brainstorm, we get food and sit around like a fireside chat.
If we have something to say, we have the autonomy to say it and know our opinions are heard.
Studies also show that companies that have open communication channels with leadership have greater employee retention. People do not leave companies; they leave people. If you really think about it, why did you leave your last position? Could it be that your leadership team didn’t really support you? These connection points are vital and can yield excellent results. “Daily, quality manager feedback makes employees 3X’s more likely to be engaged at work” – Gallup. Leaders do not make you get your job done but rather help you accomplish your best work.
Planning an event for team building needs to be done with purpose.
On our last Team Day, we spent the first half on a team-building exercise with the specific goal of cultivating department purpose statements. In the last half, our entire team, including all of the owners, hopped on a boat and took a nice relaxing ride to enjoy the beautiful lake and each other’s company. Do you know what didn’t happen? No one was complaining about policies to staff, or about the next quarter’s goals. No one was checking emails from the boat. If you design a day of fun, make it purposeful and be in the moment.
Finally, our culture is rooted in service, and it’s something we take immense pride in. Acts of service aren’t just an abstract concept, it’s reflected in our day-to-day interactions with one another. It shows how we come together when someone has a bad day, a loss, or a success. This seems like a simple way you can add value to your team culture, but be aware that it has to be authentic. Actively listening when someone is talking, genuinely celebrating success, or going the extra mile to support someone experiencing loss, are ways to authentically serve your team.
Screaming It From The Rooftops
I can go on and on, but here’s the basic formula:
- Choose Joy & Positivity a.k.a. Fun
- Plan team-building events with purpose – not productivity
- Actively Listen
- Strive for a relaxed and positive work environment
- Open communication
If you use these techniques, you can see some improvement quickly. It may take time, especially if your workplace has a more negative work culture, but it can change. The benefits are too great not to! WeCreate doesn’t have to scream from the rooftops when we are growing and need more talented people. Our culture and atmosphere are driving factors in why people want to work here.
Want to talk more about workplace culture or share some horror stories of your own? Feel free to connect with us on LinkedIn!
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